Improve your pronunciation skills with us.

Let’s Learn, Explore, and Connect to the World!

Improve your Pronunciation

Welcome to SEKAEL. We are here to help you be the best and most confident with your English speaking skills. You will not worry about anything. Just focus and do your best in our classes!

Learn English Pronunciation today.

$ 110 a month

$ 10 of your payment will go directly to our Donations

Our Lesson

Our whole pronunciation lesson will be divided into three parts: study the 45 pronunciation and vocabulary lessons, take the test, and get feedback.

Why start improving your English pronunciation skills?

Pronunciation Lesson

We have 45 Pronunciation and Vocabulary Lessons that will cover different topics that you will surely enjoy.


Pronunciation Lesson

Improve your English Pronunciation skills and your English vocabulary in a span of time. A fun and exciting way to learn and engage and connect with people around the world!


What do you want to learn today?

Why should you enroll in our pronunciation class?

We guarantee you that we will be here to guide and support you until you're fully confident in your English pronunciation skills.

Take the Test

The test will help us to know if you fully understood all the lessons and words we discussed in each lesson, and this will also help us understand what we can do to help you improve.


After the teachers have checked your test, we will be looking at what we can do to help you improve more and to help you correct all of the mistakes you had. Don't worry, as we will be helping each other!

We are here to guide you!

Start to improve your English pronunciation skills, and we are here to guide and support you until you’re fully confident with your skills.

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